Do you know how Google is banning you even after you click on the ad using VPN?

When you use a VPN, you only use it for a short time
Then you go back to the local IP 
Google is collecting a record of the last 28 days of net usage on your device In fact, Google is not doing it I am giving myself You are using the net In that case, Google can easily track your location and device through the Internet This allows Google to locate your location alone By doing this, they understand that you click on the ad illegally . 

You may ask will Google ban me if I go out of the country and then click on Ads ?

No .Because as I said before, Google tracks your location by using the internet . You are connecting to a local IP whenever you are using the net on foreign soil This is how Google understands that your device is in another country .

Another question may be can I stay out of the country when I last used the net ? Can I live in any European country where there can be 7-8 countries at the same time ?

Your question has an argument . But sir you know very well , when you use the net at the Bangladesh border, that country is invisibly marked next to all the sites . Bangladesh such as Google Google India , Google UK , happens . When you are using Google standing at the Bangladesh border, you have a satellite above your head that is sending your net usage info to Google's server Again, when you are going to the border of India, with the help of this satellite, your web address is changing to Google India ... I hope you understand the reason why your site is being banned from using VPN This is the first time someone has answered you in Bengali about it .

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